Receive a list of Reviews
Param name | Description |
product_id required |
Lipscore product ID Value: Must be a Integer |
rating optional |
The parameter is used to filter reviews by their rating value. Value: Must be a Integer |
parent_source_id optional |
The parameter is used to filter reviews by Parent source ID. Value: Must be a Integer |
source_id optional |
The parameter is used to filter reviews by Source ID. Value: Must be a Integer |
translate_to_lang optional |
The parameter is used to display the review in a specific language. Available values: cs, da, de, en, es, et, fi, fr, it, ja, lv, nl, no, pl, pt, ru, sk, sv. Please note: Subscribing to Lipscore Translations is a requirement to use this parameter. Value: Must be a String |
updated_after optional |
Only include reviews created or updated after the given date and time. Must be a string in an ISO 8601 format. Value: Must be a String |
page optional |
Page number. By default 1. Total pages amount and the current page are specified in the response header X-Pagination. Value: Must be a Integer |
per_page optional |
Page size. By default 5. Maximum is 100 Value: Must be a Integer |
api_key required |
API key (a 24 character unique code) Value: Must be a String |
GET /products/1807875/reviews?api_key=889c3f3e4b6ac67269261324Response
[ { "id": 39216, "text": "This product is great! I will be back for more, thank you!", "translated_text": null, "created_at": "2022-12-24T14:50:56.410Z", "votes_up": 1, "votes_down": 0, "video": "", "purchase_date": "2022-11-27T11:14:59.230Z", "imported_at": null, "rating": 5, "user": { "id": 56634, "name": "John Doe", "avatar_thumb_url": "", "short_name": "John" }, "images": [ { "id": 134, "thumb_url": "", "image_url": "" } ], "review_reply": { "text": "Thank you!", "created_at": "2022-12-25T07:06:34.362Z", "member_site": "Demo site", "translated_text": null }, "product": { "name": "Lipscore Ultra i9 SmartPhone" }, "internal_order_id": "778203", "internal_customer_id": "84021", "internal_attr_1": "Attribute 1", "internal_attr_2": "Attribute 2", "internal_attr_3": "Attribute 3", "internal_attr_4": "Attribute 4", "internal_attr_5": "Attribute 5", "testimonial": true, "displayed_name": "John Doe", "attributes": [] } ]