This is the documentation of Lipscores REST-based API. The methods below provide a simple way of integrating with our software. Please be aware that the documentation only include a minimum of the methods available. We have a pretty strict policy against manipulation and filtering of reviews and we generally do not allow for any 3rd parties to create reviews etc via the API.
All interaction with the API requires a valid user account with Lipscore, 24-character API key and API Secret key
(if you do not have an account please register at
Authenticate your account when using the API by sending API key in api_key parameter and including your Secret API key in the request X-Authorization header. Your API keys carry many privileges, so be sure to keep it secret. Do not share your Secret API key in publicly accessible areas such GitHub and client-side code. All API requests must be made over HTTPS.
curl --header "X-Authorization: YourSecretAPIKey"
Resource | Description |
GET /users/:user_id/reviews | Receive a list of reviews by user ID |
Resource | Description |
GET /users | Receive a list of users by internal customer ID |
Resource | Description |
GET /answers/:id | Receive an Answer |
POST /questions/:question_id/answers | Create an Answer on specific Question |
PUT /answers/:id | Update an Answer |
DELETE /answers/:id | Destroy an Answer |
Resource | Description |
GET /hooks | Receive the list of all registered Hooks in your account |
POST /hooks | Register the Hook & create the subscription |
DELETE /hooks/:id | Delete the Hook & cancel the subscription |
Resource | Description |
GET /ping | Check if the API is available. Returns the current timestamp. |
Resource | Description |
GET /products | Receive a list of Products |
GET /products/:id | Receive a single Product |
Resource | Description |
GET /invitations/:token | Receive a single Invitation |
POST /invitations | Create one or more Invitations |
PUT /invitations | Update a single Invitation |
Resource | Description |
GET /products/:product_id/questions | Receive a list of Questions |
Resource | Description |
GET /products/:product_id/ratings | Receive a list of Ratings. |
Resource | Description |
GET /reviews/:review_id/review_replies | Receive a list of Review Replies |
GET /review_replies/:id | Receive a Reply |
POST /reviews/:review_id/review_replies | Create a Reply on a specific Review |
PUT /review_replies/:id | Update a Reply |
DELETE /review_replies/:id | Destroy a Reply |
Resource | Description |
GET /products/:product_id/reviews | Receive a list of Reviews |